Elevating Sustainable Farming: Bimbo Canada Backs Regenerative Agriculture Initiative

Bimbo Canada is excited to announce our financial support for the Canadian Prairies Trusted Advisor Partnership (TAP 2025). They will offer farmers a masterclass in soil-based agronomy, water management, and diverse cropping systems that covers both established and emerging stewardship practices, including residue management, zone mapping, variable rate technology, and tillage reduction. 

This initiative is part of our 2050 commitment to sourcing key ingredients from lands utilizing regenerative agriculture practices. 

“We are committed to supporting farmers and suppliers in embracing regenerative agriculture practices to enrich soils, capture carbon, and build resilient ecosystems. The Canadian Prairies TAP aligns with our objective to source 100% of key ingredients from land being farmed using regenerative agricultural practices by 2050,” said Jeff Robertson, Director, Environment and Sustainability. 

Initially, eligibility will be limited to crop advisors operating in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, with plans to expand the program to other provinces in the future. 

Assiniboine College in Brandon, Manitoba will host the Trusted Advisor Partnership curriculum and issue continuing education units in alignment with the Prairie Certified Crop Adviser Board. Assiniboine College, a recognized leader in agriculture extension and e-learning, offers a suite of programming. 

Over the next five years, the Canadian Prairies TAP aims to train more than 225 agronomists in soil-centric land management, aiming to bring cutting-edge conservation agriculture to more than 500 farmers by 2029.  The TAP program fills a critical gap by training crop advisors to provide localized and evidence-based assistance, which will be invaluable in supporting farmers in the Canadian Prairies and accelerating the adoption of sustainable practices. 

Prairies TAP is backed by Bimbo Canada along with General Mills, PepsiCo, and Nature United.